Cannes Lions Award Critiques - 1

Campaign 1: “Unlimited Stadium” | Agency: BBH Singapore | Country: Philippines | Brand: Nike | Category: Cyber, Outdoor, Creative Data, Promo & Activation and Entertainment | Awards: Gold Lions (3), Silver Lions (4), Bronze Lions (3)

        Nike created an outdoor stadium in the shape of a footprint of the Nike Lunar Epic. Using  an RFID chip, runners run the first lap and get an avatar that runs at that same pace. The runner then engages with their own avatar in a virtual race against themselves. The goal was to engage runners and motivate them to constantly beat their best time. The footage shown in the ad was very well done, featuring footage of runners pushing themselves to win and aerial footage of the track with its unique shape. Also, the music was particularly well-chosen because it was up-beat, motivating people to be active and correlating with the message to constantly push yourself. I also appreciated the images of the shoe in the opening of the ad because then they were able to show the direct inspiration for the shape of the track.

         I also found it interesting that they featured interviews from Nike running coaches and those involved in the technological aspect of the project. However, I believe that this took a little bit of the magic out of the experience of viewing the ad. I would have preferred to read it on the screen instead of breaking up the footage and lowering the music volume for the interviews. The upside down video footage was also a unique way to enhance the viewing experience. Finally, having a library of avatars is a great way to get runners’ data without being explicit in gathering it. It also helps Nike create a running community around their brand.  

With 80,000 man hours taken to complete the project, the stadium, which takes up one city block was an innovative and unique use of an outdoor medium and a physical space to not only promote the shoe but also the brand message of active living. It also highlights the creative use of technology to connect with people and therefore drive sales through an interactive experience.  


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