Cannes Lions Festival - Day Four

It's the fourth day of the festival and things are starting to kick into high gear. I spent a lot of time at The Girl's Lounge, put on by The Female Quotient. This is a space where females across the board can come together to share insights, network and encourage each other in a world that still makes it difficult to get ahead. I attended two great panels on trail blazing and growing brands in a pop culture world and met some amazing women who are inspiring all of us to continue to grow.

The most impactful part of this very long and hectic day was towards the end. We ended the day by attending the Cannes Lions Night School. This is the first year the festival has this program and it truly opened my mind. We started by creating a lego version of ourselves in our future career - a pretty strange activity, but it forced us to be creative with the pieces that we had in order to create something that was somewhat meaningful. Finally, the instructors went around the room and picked two pictures of random objects that were hanging on the wall. These were pictures of things like a penny, a banana, a Barbie doll, and more. Our client was Corona, and as the instructors picked two of these images, we were supposed to come up with an ad on the spot for the client using those two images. It was kind of intimidating, but it surprisingly showed me that under the right circumstances, I (who never thought of myself as a creative) can actually be creative. So, if I can do it, so can you. Go on and conquer!


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