Following Dr. Google’s Orders

It seems that all of us at one point in our lives we have all wandered over to Web MD and searched a list of symptoms we have only to see our gloomy fate before us, either we have a headache, or are terminally ill. Or we have all struggled to make a doctor’s appointment that didn't require having to wait months just so they could diagnose that pesky little injury in 5 minutes. 

Fortunately, Google is also hopping aboard and weighing in on our health concerns. We are finally getting closer to having a virtual relationship with healthcare professionals which will revolutionize technology and social media.

Image posted on Reddit courtesy of Mashable  showing search results for knee pain. 

Not only can you search for a variety of conditions and symptoms, now, Google will begin making recommendations on your diagnosis and how to further treat it. Google will also help users connect with health professionals through video chat in order to discuss possible treatment plans. 

A Google statement stated that, “When you're searching for basic health information -- from conditions like insomnia or food poisoning -- our goal is provide you with the most helpful information available. We’re trying this new feature to see if it's useful to people." 

Although this will make strides in ease of care and our closer connection to doctors, there are many hurdles that Google has to surpass in order to gain credibility and trust from the people to use this program. 

Doctors participating in the video chats will have to be approved to make sure they give the highest version of virtual care, Google will also need to rely on the participation from government agencies such as the FDA as well as the American Medical Association. 

Although this program is still in its trial stages, Google plans on rolling out the program in larger scale once it gets proven success during the testing period. 

According to The Verge, “the service ties into Helpouts, a marketplace where "experts" can charge to give lessons and advice over video chat. It's unclear what the future of the program is, but the wording presented in the screenshot posted to Reddit suggests that it will cost money if it progresses past the testing phase."

Of course, Google has competition in this area such as Better and Spruce (and based on current trends, its predicted that soon Apple will be added to the list) but with the proper implementation tools, a competitive fee for use and reliable doctors to support the program, Google’s chances of success can be very high. And that’s my diagnosis. 


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