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Dear FIFA, Thanks for Ruining Soccer

On the start of the World Cup, arguably the biggest event in the soccer community, I find myself completely detached from the tournament. Don’t get me wrong, I adore soccer. As the child of Argentinean immigrants, I grew up not only playing, but watching and learning the sport from some of the most passionate fans who equate the sport with a religion. It quickly became part of my identity. But after all the pomp and circumstance of the tournament subsides, what is left isn’t the sport I watched my elders reminisce about. What’s left is an organization made up of recalcitrant, dishonest men. FIFA has managed to take a sport so enthralling, and twisted it into a mountain of corruption, bribery and greed. My suspicions of FIFA’s greed began with the 2010 announcement of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, and the subsequent announcement of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Both of these countries have never participated in a World Cup, and have a very brief soccer history. The bid for the 2018 t...

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