From the Classic City to where the players play-The Great Migration

I decided to resuscitate this old gem after some time off from the blogging world because there's nothing better than putting off the hundreds of group projects and finals 2 weeks before graduation (procrastination had to kick in at some point, right? Wrong.) I chose to go away from the normal what’s-going-on-in-the-world post, but rather take a more personal approach. As graduation seems to be creeping up on all of us, making us wonder where the last 4 years of our life went, I couldn't help but realize that it may be so daunting because for the first time in our lives, the world is at our feet. It seems like we all have adopted Blink 182’s hit “What’s My Age Again?” as our anthem. And some of us may realize that all we've ever really done, with the exception of internships and part time jobs, is go to school. Do we know how to do anything else but study (or for some of you, cram), take notes on everything the professor says, socialize, and watch our calorie count skyrocket? (I fail to mention sleep because I haven’t quite known what that is for some time now).

The answer to that is yes. Although it may seem hard to believe, we, as almost college grads are actually quite hirable. For those of you contemplating just being a world traveler, becoming a barista, or moving back into your parent’s basement, here’s a little dose of inspiration.

Millennial are actually a smart hire for 4 main reasons: 

1. What we may lack in experience we make up for in work ethic. Seriously, we’ve been pushed pretty hard these past 4 years and if anyone knows how to multitask, its us. If it means running on coffee and sodas all night, then so be it. We get the job done, and we do it well. 
2. We basically rule at group projects. No matter what role you assume in the group (the delegator, the organizer, the leader or the flaw finder) we have grown to turn our love/hate relationship with group projects into something valuable to bring to the workplace. We know what its like to bring in ideas and consider other people's point of view in order to deliver something worthwhile. And although you might come across some people that like to sit back and watch everyone else work, for the most part, we’ve got team work down pat. 
3. We don’t know what life is like without technology. It has been integrated into our lives since birth so everything we do is centered around technology, connectivity, and community. In a time where we must rapidly adapt to the new trends, having someone with technology engraved in their DNA is vital. 
4. We just need a chance. I bet no successful human being got to where they are without someone just giving them a chance. We may not have the same experience as a 36 year old, but give us a chance to learn, to grow and to become the professionals we want to be. All we want to do at this point, is take everything we’ve learned in the classroom and add to it, soak up all the information and experience the real world has to offer. We might make mistakes along the way, but college has given us the critical thinking and problem solving tools that will let us prove to you we’re worth keeping around. Just give us the opportunity.

Alright, enough with the sappy employment rant.

But seriously, where did the time go?!?!

Wasn’t it yesterday, that I was moving my endless amounts of junk into my tiny dorm room, walking up and down 4 flights of stairs to get to my dorm because no one ever heard of an elevator? Wasn’t it an hour ago that I was sitting through that first accounting class, realizing that this was indeed one of Dante’s circles of hell? And wasn’t it 5 minutes ago that I got that beloved internship, only to show up late my first day because I got lost somewhere on Peachtree Street? (seriously, why are there so many Peachtrees?? Be more original Atlanta!) From Hip Hop Culture, Astronomy, Italian Culture, Consumer Behavior, Business Law, Social Media Strategy, Economic Development of the US, Marketing Research to so much more, some have seemed like a massive waste of time and others have been amazing, but all gave us the tools to now look forward as more cultured, driven, ambitious adults.

They say that college is the best years of your life-but I'm hoping and praying that that's a big fat lie. They say, “seize your college experience, live it up”. But what exactly does it mean to seize your college experience? Looking back, I realize that there's isn't a formula, study guide, Google doc manual or cheat sheet on how to answer this question. It's about how YOU seize it.

Whether it's ordering Five Guys at a time when the rest of civilization is asleep, whining about/appreciating group projects, going to that one last bar, or practically moving into your study room, it's about what makes you happy, how you seize your college days. Have an amazing workout or blast music with the windows down in April (or maybe January because Georgia weather is like a hormonal 13 year old girl). Whatever it is, DO IT. Perhaps the two best lessons I’ve learned in college is to take things one day at a time and if you don’t like your life, CHANGE IT. No one can trap you in a place where you don’t want to be. We all have the power to make our lives exactly what we want them to be, we just have to have the courage to go out and get it.

In any event, exciting things are ahead. First, it's off to Las Vegas to see what this casino thing is all about (let's be real though, I probably won't gamble a single cent strictly out of paranoia and the fact that I've been a broke college girl for far too long) then it's back to good ole Fayetteville for some much needed R&R. And finally, it's off to the Holy Land for international Jewish geography, finding that nice IDF soldier, and an amount of falafel that no doctor would ever recommend. And while I’m off seeing the world, lets hope I can put these past 4 years to good use and embrace every moment. After some much needed travels, I’m ready to take on the mystery known as ATLANTA. Time to put on those symbolic “big girl pants”, embrace my inner Carrie Bradshaw and take on this city like it was the Manhattan of the south. Bring it on.

So with that, I’m off to find my “new normal”. It might not be the penny-pinching, no-shaming, tailgating, binge-watching adventure known as college, but it will bring a new kind of adventure. One that constantly reminds us how much we hate traffic but love the city, and reminds us that we will inevitably mess up from time to time. One that never stops making us feel fulfilled and like we are actually making a difference. If I can remember that, well then change isn’t so scary, its just unknown. 

Congratulations to all my fellow college grads! I sincerely hope we never find a reason not to come back to Athens, because no matter how far we go, the Dawgs will always be calling us back home.  May we never cease to change the world and always stay hungry for more. And of course, GO DAWGS.




  1. So excited to hear you say "hello world". You are ready!!!!

  2. Great post, Melanie!

  3. Well said, Melanie! Congratulations on graduation! Harness this voice of yours. You will find the need to call on her as you embark on "the real world." You are awesome and destined for amazing things!


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