OK Google, What's the Dream?

Although everyone knows what Google is, they still go to great lengths to create powerful ad campaigns across many platforms. More recently, Google launched the "Ok Google" campaign which incorporates TV, online (including the Google app, Dream) as well as print. It begins with a 30 second commercial that introduces the key word in the campaign, “OK”.

The search engine behemoth is partnering with the New York Times to provide banner ads on its web pages that will complement the particular news article. The banners will provide more information on the topic that is trending at the moment. 

Another not-so-subtle tactic in the campaign is to feed that curiosity you never knew you had by placing large print ads in coffee shop windows, stores, even bowling balls, ice cream trucks and more. Placing these questions drives traffic back to the app and feature questions that can be answered with the Google app to show that it can be a vital part of everyday life. 

The goal of the campaign according to Google is to shed light on some of the other capacities Google has and what it can offer that many may not know about. Also, according to Google the overarching goal of the campaign is to slowly start shifting more into mobile, seeing as that seems to be what the future holds. They are seeking to move away from desktop computers and help consumers make mobile their primary channel of choice. 

Jeff Whipps, Google’s Vice President of Branding stated that, “No question that our goal is to have more and more people start to see the Google app as an indispensable go-to app on their mobile devices and think of it as the first place they turn when they have any kind of a need, within reason. The fact is we have innovations and functionality that live in the Google app that we can't actually deliver through a browser," 

Not only do many predict it will yield positive results but it goes to show the desire Google has to be the place people go to search for content and information while connecting people through many platforms. 


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